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Figure and Ground – <i>G.E.B</i> Review of Chapter 3

Figure and Ground – G.E.B Review of Chapter 3

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Feb 21, 2025


The tq-system is a formal system that consists of the following components:

  1. Axioms: xqxtxqxt-
  2. Inference Rule: If xqytzxqytz is a theorem, then xyqytzxyqytz- is a theorem.

It’s easy to see that the theorems of the tq-system are of the form xqytzxqytz, and must meet x=y×zx=y\times z.

Describe Composite and Prime Numbers

It’s easy for us to describe composite numbers. We could utilize the tq-system to define a new set of theoroms of the form CxCx.

Inference Rule: If xqytzxqy-tz- is a theorem, then CxCx is a theorem.

This system works because x=(y+1)(z+1)x=(y+1)(z+1), which means xx could be multiplied by two numbers greater than 1. Then the xx of all the CxCx theoroms are all the composite numbers.

However, when it comes to prime numbers, things get a little bit tricky. We could not define a set of theoroms of the form PxPx to describe prime numbers. Because prime numbers are indivisible, we could not find two numbers that could multiply to get a prime number.

We may create a new set of theoroms PxPx with the rules “if CxCx is not a theorem, then PxPx is a theorem”. The fatal flaw here is that checking whether CxCx is not theorem is not an explicitly typographical operation. To know whether a theorem is not of a system, we have to go outside of the system.

Figure and Ground

The relation between prime numbers and composite numbers makes people recall the famous artistic distinction between figure and ground. This concept is not only applicable to the field of painting, but also to the field of music, literature, and even mathematics.

This picture shows a theorems tree. The tree provides a considerable visual representation of the relationship between the theorems and the negations of theorems. More importantly, it reveals the Gödel’s Incompleteness Theorems in a more intuitive way. There exists theorems that are neither provable nor disprovable within the system which are unreachable truths.

Recursively Enumerable Sets vs. Recursive Sets

It is intuitive to think that a figure and its ground carry exactly the same amount of information. However, in the field of mathematics, this is not the case. It is fact that, there exist formal systems whose negative space is not the positive set of any formal system. In a more thechnical term, there exist recursively enumerable sets that are not recursive. We could conclude that typographical decision procedures do not exist for all system.

Hofstadter left a puzzle for us to think about:

Can you characterize the following set of integers

1371218263545561\quad 3\quad 7\quad 12\quad 18\quad 26\quad 35\quad 45\quad 56 \cdots

The “ground” of this set is

2456891011132\quad 4\quad 5\quad 6\quad 8\quad 9\quad 10\quad 11\quad 13\cdots

Ground here has two different meanings: 1. The diff between any two consecutive numbers in the set; 2. All the numbers that are not in the set.

This puzzle is a good example of the concept of figure and ground.

Primes as Figure Rather than Ground

We skip right over multiplication, and go straight to the concept of nondivisibility. Here an axiom schema and rule for producing theorems which represent the notion that one number does not divide(DND) another number exactly.

Axioms: xyDNDxxyDNDx
Inference Rule: If xDNDyxDNDy is a theorem, then xBZCxyxBZCxy is a theorem.

So the solution of describing prime numbers is as follows:

Axioms: PP--. (22 is a prime number.)
Inference Rules:

  1. If DNDz--DNDz is a theorem, then zDFzDF-- is a theorem. (zz is not divisible by 22, then zz is divisor free up to 22.)
  2. If zDFxzDFx is a theorem and also xDNDzx-DNDz is a theorem, then zDFxzDFx- is a theorem. (zz is divisor free up to xx and x+1x+1 is not divisible by zz, then zz is divisor free up to x+1x+1.)
  3. If zDFzz-DFz is a theorem, then PzPz- is a theorem. (z+1z+1 is divisor free up to zz, then zz is a prime number.)

DFDF here means the number is divisor free up to x.

And there we have it. The principle of representing primality formally is that there is a test for divisibility which can be done without any backtracking.


The contracrostipunctus is a piece of music that is a counterpoint to itself when played backwards. Hofstadter wrote a poem which is not noly a contracrostipunctus, but also a contracrostipunctus in meaning. The poem is a palindrome, and the meaning of the poem is also a palindrome. More interestingly, the poem is a acrostic, which means the first letter of each line spells out a word.


赫有名的德国作曲家给了我侯世达灵感 在此我借用他的对位技巧写下一个对话并嵌进他的名字以表示我对他卓越才能由衷的景仰 大家也许都记得他曾把他的名字写进一首赋格曲的尾

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